• How long does the shipping take?

    The shipping itself takes 4-6 days

  • How do i return my order?

    Register your return via socialmedia@wow-art.fr. After registration you will receive an email containing instructions and address details. You are responsible for postage and shipping costs. Your return package must be well-protected

  • What is your return policy?

    All customers according to the Swedish law have 14 days to regret their buyings. The 14 days starts from the day you buy the product. We will refund the amount back to you within 14 days after your cancellation. The product you wish to return must be returned to us within 14 days after you're cancellation. The product must be in the same condition as when you received it. All costs related to the return will happen on your own account. Contact us at socialmedia@wow-art.fr to get the adress for shipping back your sculptures.

  • Local taxes

    Please note that local charges (sales tax, customs duty) may occur, depending on your region and local customs duties. These charges are at the customers own expense. 

  • I didn't received my order confirmation

    If you submitted an order with us, but didn't receive an order confirmation, it's possible that your email address was entered incorrectly. Get in touch with us at socialmedia@wow-art.fr to see if we have received an order in your name. We're happy to fix the email address on file and send you the order confirmation. In other cases, the order may not have gone through, so just get in touch before placing a new order to avoid a duplicate order.

  • When will i receive my item?

    You should receive your item in around 2 weeks.

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